Ian Hickman

Ian Hickman worked at a senior level in local government in the south east before working at a national watchdog (the Audit Commission) for fifteen years ending up as Associate Controller. He has also been Chief Operating Officer for a twenty school multi academy trust in the north of England for three years and a non executive for the £60 billion Education and Skills Agency for the last five years.

He has been a school governor for twenty two years at a large PFI secondary in north London spending over ten years as Chair of Finance. He also was Chair of Finance at two primary academies in north London for five years. 

In all of these roles good corporate governance and stringent financial planning has been a key feature of his work. Ian has also been a visiting university lecturer on project and risk management. In recent years he has focussed on public sector leadership development running the London Leadership Programme for 150 nominated future leaders across London.

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