Sharon Gray OBE

I am currently an Education Consultant at Wholehearted Learning (please see above for current examples of work) and the Senior Catalyst for an International Charity – ecl foundation. The ecl Foundation is an international charity, registered in the UK, whose work and purpose is enhancing children’s lives. We help adults to create environments that enrich the emotional well-being, creativity and learning of children and young people. Our focus is to release a child’s innate desire to learn and for them to discover joy in their learning. We have national hubs in the UK, Namibia and South Africa and representatives in Holland, America and Asia. All delivering transformational new working practices to adults working with vulnerable children and their families, who face multiple challenges, including, mental health problems, inequality, poverty, violence and addiction.

I was appointed to the Youth Justice Board in 2018 and have the strategic oversight for education in custody and the development of our first secure school. I am totally committed in working with colleagues to enable a more proportionate response to offending, ensuring intensive effort in turning around the lives of the some of our most profoundly troubled children.
I am an active member of the SEND London Leadership Strategy team and work directly with them through the DfE to secure positive outcomes for children and young people experiencing SEND. I am a SEND reviewer and am one of the 22 national reviewers leading the project “Effective use of TAs in schools”

I am a co-opted member of engage in their future, formerly NAES, and sit on the national committee that represents SEHM schools. This committee supports the development of guidance and policy with the DfE for the most vulnerable learners who have been excluded from school or who are at risk of being excluded.

I have been an Ofsted inspector for 10 years. This enabled me to have a detailed knowledge and understanding of the inspection process and gain new ideas and insights from different schools.

I am currently working with Kiran Gill – developing ‘The Difference’.The Difference aims to break the link between social exclusion and school exclusion by placing top teachers in alternative provision schools, providing them with the training to support pupils with complex needs.
My philosophy is one of authentic inclusion. I aim for everyone within the community to see themselves as a responsible and vital part of securing positive outcomes for all. I work systemically to enable everyone to be a successful leader and a lifelong learner.

I feel privileged to take on roles within school leadership. I aim to demonstrate my philosophy in everything I do by involving all stakeholders. I ensure every person in the organisation is clear about their role, responsibilities and accountabilities and has the highest expectations. I believe that teams working together create the necessary climate of challenge and support to bring about continuous improvement and success.
The key to ensuring value, respect and success for all lies with managers. I believe in establishing systems for rigorous monitoring and effective feedback to all members of the organisation.

I use my philosophy of firm love to model my own very high expectations. I do this through robust structures and systems that ensure everyone feels contained and confident to grow and be creative.

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