What We Do

Training and Support

Training & Support

We provide training for Governing Boards, Academy Trust Boards, Local Governance Committees and Charity Trustee Boards. We can mentor new Chairs, support recruitment searches for Chairs, Heads and CEOs and run general or subject specific training sessions. We can provide support and advice on complaints and disciplinary issues and their associated panels.

External Reviews of Governance

An External Review of Governance consists of a day including time with the Head/CEO & Leadership Team and a facilitated session with the Governing Board challenging their roles and key objectives and in the process producing a Governance Action Plan for the Board to implement. A follow-up meeting to assess progress is included.

Independent Investigations

Investigation pen and paper

Discrete and confidential evidence-based investigations of complaints, grievances, malpractice, safeguarding and misconduct allegations. Our experienced investigators will interview all involved, write a full report including interview notes and conclusions and present the findings to the appropriate Board or Panel. We are experienced in chairing panels and can advise on correct practice for panels.

Guidance & Consultancy


We have a wide range of experience in governance, not just in education but also in charities, community interest companies and trusts. We can advise on the creation or expansion of governance models and the setting-up of Academy Trusts and Charities.